Our Story

Hi! I’m Eduardo, a professional surf coach with 35 years of surfing experience, licenced by the Portuguese Surfing Federation and the Portuguese Institute of Sport and Youth.

I started in the sport in Costa da Caparica, with friends, having been self-taught.

Surfing is my passion and for me, it made perfect sense to become my profession.

Since my first waves and over the years, the sport has evolved, nowadays, the presence of a professional who helps to take the first steps can make all the difference. The basis of surfing is essential whether you just want an experience and have fun, as well as a to focus on growth and evolution.

Above all, I am responsible and dedicated to my students, wanting to provide them with the best experience, with quality, safe and fun classes, for all levels and abilities.

Also intend to transmit the love for this sport, whose practice has been growing in our country, with the increasing recognition of the public of new national talents.

Who knows, maybe you’ll be next?

surfing lisbon about us